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DREAM of possibilities.

A place of encounter

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A Warm Welcome Awaits You

Dear Parents, Guardians and Families


I am delighted to welcome you to Our Lady of Fatima, a small Catholic Primary School dedicated to providing a high quality and holistic education in a welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment.


Through our staff, location and physical resources, we believe that we offer a unique primary school program where students can excel academically and socially while establishing an important foundation for secondary school years and beyond.


With an extensive campus, Our Lady of Fatima offers modern, purpose built learning spaces with extensive playgrounds and sporting fields, located on a quiet street frontage that provides a sense of privacy and security for our students and families.


With a rigorous teaching program, our staff hold a common vision of academic success for all students, where teaching capabilities and relationships are nurtured to support students’ academic results, spiritual development and wellbeing.


With a focus on building the highest possible level of care and trust between students, teachers and parents, we place ‘learning’ at the centre of every day’s activities, while ensuring that a strong sense of community and friendship is maintained.


Through our school motto 'dream, believe, achieve' we establish in our students a strong sense of the importance of goal setting and hard work in order for students to achieve their dreams, whatever they may be.


Whether you choose Our Lady of Fatima for the standard of teaching; its dedicated staff; campus resources or location, I genuinely believe that we can offer your child an environment where they will thrive emotionally and academically.


I look forward to welcoming you into our school community and sharing your child's educational journey with you.


Sarah McDermott



Why Choose Our Lady of Fatima? 

 A well rounded education, delivered in a happy and supportive environment.


Catholic Education Suitable For All Faiths & Denominations


Teaching Program Focused on Engagement


Dedicated Facility for Intervention & Extension Programs


Modern Learning Spaces Supporting Individual Needs


Effective School Community Environment


Focused Teaching, Smaller Class Sizes

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A Modern, Spacious Campus in Private & Quiet Location


Vibrant, Welcoming, Supportive Community 


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"I call it My Lady of Fatima because it is MY school"

"…We have good teachers…they do want students to succeed"

"…We are known as learners at our school and it feels good…"

Extra Curricular Focus

At Our Lady of Fatima there is more to school than academics. For a small school, our ‘extras’ are many and we are proud to be able to offer them all. We focus on and value:

Everyone's Wellbeing

Wellbeing Hub - centre of our school

Transition Programs Kinder -Year 7

Staff Mentor Porgram with Year 6s

Student Buddy Systems Preps and Year 6s

Lunchtime Activities and clubs

POD Play

Positive behaviour for learning philosophy

Positive Education and Restorative Practices 

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Student Voice & Agency

School Captains

House Captains

Sustainability Leaders

Fatima Star leadership opportunities

Buddy Systems

'Our House Spirit' 

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Academic Opportunities

Leadership opportunities

Excursions and incursions

Maths competitions & games

Literacy competition

Simultaneous story time

Enrichment programs and opportunities

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Spiritual Growth

Christian Spirit leadership opportunities

Year level and whole school Masses

School based and Parish supported Sacramental program

Whole School Mass Celebrations

Daily prayer opportunity

Inquiry based RE curriculum program

Catholic Social Teaching focus

Strong Parish connections

Child & Adult Faith Nights

Mother’s Day breakfast

Father’s Day breakfast 

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Sporting Opportunities

Sportsmanship leadership opportunities

Athletics Carnival

Swimming Carnival

Interschool Sports

School Swimming

District Cross Country

District Athletics

District Swimming

Running Club

Yr 3/4 and 5/6 Camps

Junior camp preparation program and day camps

Celebrating The Arts

The Arts leadership opportunities

Specialist music teacher 

Specialist performing arts teacher

Christmas Concerts

Private music tuition during school hours

Visual Arts Showcase

The Arts highlighted and celebrated in annual events such as Book Week and

Harmony Day Celebration

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Fatima Star & Community participation

Five spheres that strengthen all leadership structures and opportunities and allow individuals to shine.

  • Christian Spirit

  • Sportsmanship

  • Studentship

  • Community

  • The Arts


Assembly celebrations enable our students to learn our school song.


Contact Us

Our Lady of Fatima Parish Primary School

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Address: 16 Hinton Street, Rosebud, 3939


Phone: 03 5950 0400


Principal: Ms Sarah McDermott



Deputy Principal: Mrs Gill Carr



Office Hours: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM


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Get in Touch

We'd love to hear from you. Please fill in the form below and we will be in contact shortly.

Thank you for contacting Our Lady of Fatima Parish Primary School. We will be in touch shortly.

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